Oracle DBA - Automation with Ansible (Setup ASM Cloud File System Oracle 18c )
Oracle DBA - Automation with Ansible (Setup ASM Cloud File System Oracle 18c )
I am running running playbook "racdatabase.yml" which has enabled role "racdb_acfs" - to create ACFS.
Tree structure for this role "racdb_acfs"
Variables for this role are as below -
Running Playbook with step option
Playbook for this role is as below:
[root@oel75 roles]# cat racdb_acfs/tasks/main.yml
- name: List Current ASM diskgroups for ACFS
become_user: "{{ superuser }}"
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/srvctl status diskgroup -g {{ acfsdiskgroup }}
tags: acfs
- name: ACFS/ADVM modules installation
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/acfsroot install
- name: Start ACFS modules
become_user: "{{ superuser }}"
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/acfsload start
tags: acfs
- name: Create an ASM volume for ACFS on first node with Name and Size
when: inventory_hostname in groups['racdb01']
become: yes
become_user: "{{ grid_user }}"
become_method: su
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/asmcmd volcreate -G {{ acfsdiskgroup }} -s {{ acfs_vol_size }} {{ acfs_vol_name }}
tags: acfs
- name: Determine the device name of the volume that was created
become: yes
become_user: "{{ grid_user }}"
become_method: su
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/asmcmd volinfo -G {{ asm_dg_name }} {{ acfs_vol_name }} | grep Device | sed 's/.*://'
register: device_name
tags: acfs
- name: Create a file system with the Oracle ACFS mkfs command
become_user: "{{ superuser }}"
shell: "/sbin/mkfs -t acfs {{ device_name.stdout}}"
tags: acfs
- name: Create mount point directory to hold the volume
action: file dest="{{ acfs_mount_name }}" state=directory owner="{{ oracle_user }}" group="{{ grid_group }}" mode=0755
ignore_errors: True
- name: ACFS autostart setup
become_user: "{{ superuser }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['racdb01']
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/srvctl add filesystem -d {{ device_name.stdout }} -m {{ acfs_mount_name }} -u {{ oracle_user }} -fstype {{ acfsdiskgroup }} -autostart {{ autostarttype }}
tags: acfs
#N ignore_errors: True
- name: ACFS status
become_user: "{{ superuser }}"
action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/srvctl status filesystem -d {{ device_name.stdout }}
ignore_errors: True
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