
Oracle 19c : Manually Install Oracle Database Software and setup listener for Single Instance

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oracle 19c : Manually Install Oracle Database Software, setup listener and Create an empty Container Database for Single Instance +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Assumption: You already created all the required OS users (example: oracle), group (oinstall) directories (example: $ORACLE_BASE, $ORACLE_HOME) Step 1: Download Oracle Software from edelivery Step 2: Unzip Software to the Oracle_HOME directory unzip -d /u01/app/oracle/product/19.2.0/db100 Step 3: Create a response file by copying  the response file from the response file directory oracle@racdb01.localdomain:/u01/app/oracle/product/19.2.0/db100/install/response $ cp db_install.rsp /home/oracle/19cEE_SoftOnly.rsp Step4:  modify response file in a text editor with necessary changes  Step5:  start the installer in silent with response file  $ cd /u01/app/oracle/pro...

Oracle 18c Patch Release Update Rollback [ RAC 18.5 to 18.3 | January'19 ] using ANSIBLE TOWER

Oracle 18.5 Patch Release Update Rollback [ RAC ] using ANSIBLE TOWER This article is for applying RU on 18c RAC database with one PDB. ======================== SET UP - ANSIBLE TOWER ======================== i. Create Credential Go to settings select CREDENTIALS - to create click on +ADD and pass necessary values.  - Here I created three users oracleuser,griduser and rootuser of Machine kind  - I created githubpass of Source Control type ii. Create INVENTORIES Go to INVENTORIES tab and click on +ADD to create a inventory. Here I created   - one inventory dbservers iii. Create group and assigned HOSTS  Go to INVENTORIES -->dbservers  - click on +ADD HOST to add a new host entry  - Assign them to a group if needed iv. Create PROJECTS  - click on PROJECTS tab  - Pass the values for     NAME,     ORGANIZATION,     SCM TYPE,     PLAYBOOK DIRECTORY  - click SAVE button. ...

Oracle DBA Automation using Ansible - RU 18.5 Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Database Home from Oracle 18.3

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RAC RU 18.5 Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Database Home from Oracle 18.3  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ansible tools - easier to setup automation task instead of manually . In this article we will go through applying  RU into a Oracle GI and Database using Ansible script. Normally we need to manually run over 20 commands for patching Oracle GI and Oracle_HOME and time consuming ----but with ansible setup here I am going to execute a single command,   ansible-playbook racdatabase.yml to complete GI, RDBMS and Data Patch tasks. Tasks: main.yml - pre_tasks_before_apply [prepatch_apply.yml] + Backup opatch file from grid home / oracle home + Update required opatch utility in grid home / Oracle home + Update opatch ownership in grid home / Oracle home + OPatch Conflict Check in grid home / Oracle home + OPatch SystemSpace Check in gr...

Oracle ASM Cloud FS(Filesystem ) 18c Delete

Delete ASM Cloud FileSystem volumes Open a terminal window on your first node as the grid user and set the environment and run ASMCA Set up environment -    [grid@racdb01 ~]$ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [grid] ? +ASM1 The Oracle base has been set to /u01/app/grid From the terminal window, run asmca  [grid@racdb01 ~]$ asmca Select ACFS File systems, right click and select option delete select yes. Then disable ACFS volume from all the nodes - Now Delete the ACFS Volume Dismount ACFS diskgroups - Then Drop ACFS disk group - Done. 

Oracle DBA - Automation with Ansible (Setup ASM Cloud File System Oracle 18c )

Oracle DBA - Automation with Ansible (Setup ASM Cloud File System Oracle 18c ) I am running running playbook "racdatabase.yml" which has enabled role "racdb_acfs" - to create ACFS. Tree structure for this  role "racdb_acfs" Variables for this role are as below - Running Playbook with step option Playbook for this role is as below: [root@oel75 roles]# cat racdb_acfs/tasks/main.yml --- - name: List Current ASM diskgroups for ACFS   become_user: "{{ superuser }}"   action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/srvctl status diskgroup -g {{ acfsdiskgroup }}   tags: acfs - name: ACFS/ADVM modules installation   action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/acfsroot install - name: Start ACFS modules   become_user: "{{ superuser }}"   action: shell export GRID_HOME={{ grid_home }}; {{ grid_home }}/bin/acfsload start   tags: acfs - name: Create an ASM volume ...
Install Or acle 18c Grid Infrastructure for RAC Follow the link

Migrating an Oracle 12c Database to a 18c Pluggable Database in the Oracle Cloud

Testing transport tablespace - Migrating an Oracle 12c Database to a 18c Pluggable Database in the Oracle Cloud ++++++++++++++++++++++ On-premises 12cR2 database   ++++++++++++++++++++++ Create a tablespace CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE TESTTBS     DATAFILE         '/opt/oracle/oradata/TSOC/tstdb01.dbf' SIZE 300M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1 MAXSIZE 500M  SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO     EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE;             Tablespace created. Create the user test in the tablespace SYS@TSOC > CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY test DEFAULT TABLESPACE "TESTTBS" TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "TEMP";  2    3 User created. SYS@TSOC >  ALTER USER test QUOTA UNLIMITED ON TESTTBS; User altered. SYS@TSOC > GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE to test; Grant succeeded.   Create a TEST TABLE ...